Thursday, September 5, 2013

Coming Out from the Shadows

In an amazing wedding announcement in the New York Times, the couple describes their decision when they had just begun dating to have an abortion, because the time and circumstances were not right.  They went on to have a son and are now celebrating their marriage.

This is such an important news story, because it is about women coming out from the shadows.  It is about refusing to accept blame and hatred for a responsible decision.  It is about letting others see just who we are.

When African-Americans risked their lives to desegregate schools and businesses, they were able to debunk all the nasty myths that had existed because they had been forced to live hidden away.

When gay and lesbian men and women took the courageous step of coming out, and then began to celebrate their existence, those who had denigrated their sexual identity were forced to recognize that these people are in fact their friends, family, co-workers, neighbors.

And as women come forward and tell their stories, and make their abortion decision just another page in their lives, those who have demonized us will no longer have power over us.

Because those who have chosen to terminate a pregnancy are us:  our daughters, our mothers, our friends and co-workers, our neighbors.

It is easy to demonize someone you don't have to face, and for whom there is no name.  This is the time to stand up to the bullies and let them know we are not ashamed of who we are and how we have lived our lives.

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