Thursday, January 10, 2013

Controlling Women By Controlling Doctors

Our SC Senate is already hard at work punishing women who need abortions.  S 204 was introduced yesterday, and would require physicians who perform abortions to be board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and if performing that abortion outside of a hospital, must have privileges at a certified hospital.  This is another blow for clinics.

The further absurdity of this proposed legislation is that in South Carolina, certified midwives are allowed to deliver a child at home, and are considered qualified by DHEC to carry out life saving measures.  Yet it will take a board certified physician to perform this typically routine procedure.

Now might be a good time to contact our own anti-choice democrat Senator Vincent Sheheen, and let him know that we women (and the men who love them) are unlikely to support him for governor in 2014 if he's going to vote against women's reproductive rights.

* * *

And on the national front, Paul Ryan has just co-sponsored a "personhood" bill that gives zygotes full human rights from the moment of conception.  How can this be worse, you might ask?  He could have been our Vice President.

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