Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let Me Tell You About My Headache

Not that anyone wants to know.  But we've decided we're going to talk about what gives us headaches anyway.

We had a lot of headaches because we had to listen to jackasses like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock.  They were a lot like having a Jehovah's Witness for an in-law.  You thought you couldn't get rid of them, and then, voila! divorce, and they were gone.  And so was the headache.

There's a lot of bad stuff that we worry about, so you would have to call them worry headaches.  And I for one am looking forward to telling you all about them.  And I'm really glad my other friends with headaches are here, telling us what aggravates them.

Maybe we'll hear from other women with headaches along the way.  If we all talk about it long and hard enough I do believe we can get some attention.  You never know what men will do to get a woman to shut up, right?  I'm thinking maybe they'll stop telling us what we should be doing with our bodies, for one.

Just think.  It was only a few months ago.  There we were, binders full of us.  Being  banned from the House floor for saying the word "vagina."  Being ordered to have vaginal ultrasounds to keep us from having an abortion.  Watching a panel full of old white men telling Congress why we shouldn't have birth control.

Look at us now.  Elizabeth Warren is preparing to kick some Wall Street butt in the Senate.  Neither she nor Tammy Baldwin are going to let those old white guys get away with dictating our sexual values.

Keep it up, I'm feeling better already.


  1. Agnes, You rock as usual! This is going to be an extremely interesting political season.


  2. Thanks for setting up the blog.
